segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2024



«“All water has a perfect memory,” Toni Morrison once wrote, “and is forever trying to get back to where it was.” So often the way we write about floods characterizes the water as encroaching upon the infrastructure of our civilizations, when the truth is far simpler: it’s a body reminding us that it once was free to move, unencumbered by the arbitrary borders established by our species. In this issue of Orion, we study floods, not to protect ourselves against them, but to relearn how we might coexist with them.
• Lacy Johnson, founder of the Houston flood museum, couldn’t swim until three years ago, when, after a series of floods in her neighborhood, she signed herself up for swimming lessons. This essay will use Lacy’s experience to consider how we as a species might survive the rising tides all around us: not by seeking higher ground, but by learning to swim.
• Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing visits a city in Indonesia where floods are smothered by concrete
• We report from Baltimore and lower Manhattan, where efforts are being made to surface underground rivers
• Plus new work from Lulu Miller, Diane Wilson, and Aimee Nezhukumatathil». 
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