terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2019

«Hockney's outdoor impressions are presented side by side with Van Gogh's scenes from nature»

A exposição já acabou mas ainda podemos beneficiar da beleza do que está disponível na internet. Veja aqui. A arte a convocar-nos para a beleza da natureza.

domingo, 21 de julho de 2019

«IFAC advocates globally for integrated reporting because it is helps organizations deliver higher-quality information with real meaning»

«IFAC advocates globally for integrated reporting because it is helps organizations deliver higher-quality information with real meaning. Information that serves the public interest by telling a clearer value creation and preservation story to stakeholders, employees, investors and capital markets, and, ultimately, to the communities they serve. IFAC’s 2018 integrated annual review helps us remain accountable to our member organizations and stakeholders. It also improves understanding of our strategic objectives and achievements, and their connection to the overarching key outcomes IFAC—on behalf of our members—seeks to advance. The review provides information on our financial, human, intellectual, and social and relationship capitals alongside how we create value through our governance, strategy, resource deployment, and key activities. It continues our efforts to work with the integrated reporting principles and concepts IFAC advocates for globally, as set out in the International Integrated Reporting Council’s Integrated Reporting Framework. As part of the journey, the IFAC Board provided directional input and review.
This review is part of our 2018 reporting suite, which also comprises our Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018, available on the IFAC website». Veja aqui.

sábado, 20 de julho de 2019

«Did you know that there may have been over 100,000 tigers roaming this planet about a century ago? But by 2010, we had lost over 95% of the world’s wild tiger population to rampant poaching and habitat loss»

«Did you know that there may have been over 100,000 tigers roaming this planet about a century ago? But by 2010, we had lost over 95% of the world’s wild tiger population to rampant poaching and habitat loss. As few as 3900 of them were left. 

Tigers are crucial for the health of the places in which they live. They help keep numbers of animals they eat in check, which in turn maintains the balance between their prey and the vegetation which they feed on. This is not only important for wildlife but for people too – both locally, nationally and globally. People rely on the wilderness areas where tigers live, whether it is directly for their livelihoods or indirectly for food and products used in our daily lives».

«Innovating for a sustainable strategy»

segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2019

«Novo Valor - Sustentabilidade nas Empresas / Como começar, quem envolver e o que priorizar»

Da Introdução:
A B3, como consequência natural de seu compromisso histórico com o desenvolvimento sustentável, investe em iniciativas estruturadas para a inclusão da abordagem de sustentabilidade em sua gestão, bem como em seus produtos, serviços e relacionamentos. Além disso, elege as iniciativas de envolvimento, sensibilização e informação dos variados públicos de seu interesse. Dentre estes, as empresas têm papel central, pois formam com a Bolsa uma rede de intercâmbio, relacionamento, influência e parceria. E foi para elas que este guia foi desenvolvido em 2011, tendo agora uma segunda edição atualizada. Para que as companhias tenham à mão material prático e didático que as auxilie nessa jornada de inserção de aspectos sociais, ambientais e de governança corporativa em seu negócio. Este guia, como não poderia deixar de ser, diferencia-se por trazer a abordagem de sustentabilidade focada no mercado de capitais. (...)».