quinta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2023

UN |«High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence»


«High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence

  • The Global AI Imperative
    Globally coordinated AI governance is the only way to harness AI for humanity, while addressing its risks and uncertainties, as AI-related applications, algorithms, computing capacity and expertise become more widespread internationally.
  • The UN's Response
    To foster a globally inclusive approach, the UN Secretary-General is convening a multi-stakeholder High-level Advisory Body on AI to undertake analysis and advance recommendations for the international governance of AI.
  • Calling for Interdisciplinary Expertise
    Bringing together up to 38 experts in relevant disciplines from around the world, the Body will offer diverse perspectives and options on how AI can be governed for the common good, aligning internationally interoperable governance with human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • A Multistakeholder, Networked Approach
    The Body, which will comprise experts from government, private sector and civil society, will engage and consult widely with existing and emerging initiatives and international organizations, to bridge perspectives across stakeholder groups and networks.
(...)». Saiba mais.


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A propósito:

«“O que queremos que seja a Inteligência Artificial?”: Centro de IA Responsável debateu o futuro da IA em Lisboa» - Leia aqui.

quarta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2023

MAIS UMA COP | a «cop 28»


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e a propósito ...

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EUROPEAN TRADE UNION INSTITUTE|«Response measures to the energy crisis: policy targeting and climate trade-offs»


Edição online aqui

«Were national response measures to the energy crisis targeted, and were they social and climate friendly? 
These are the main questions addressed by this book, which examines whether and how short-term national responses to the cost of energy crisis applied social and ecological preferences. Europe has ‘survived’ two much-feared winters without energy shortages, power cuts and recession, showing a considerable level of resilience. Between September 2021 and August 2023, EU Member States allocated almost 700 billion euros to shield consumers and industry from rising energy costs. Were these resources properly targeted and is there a climate dividend? The national case studies included in this book reveal that the measures were mostly broad-based, including subsidies, tax cuts and price controls. The chapters also address questions on how such policies tackled the conflicting objectives and examine whether there are any good practices that can be identified in which short-term social protection can be aligned with longer term ecological objectives».

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Ainda daqui:

«New research conducted by the ETUI in 7 EU member states (AT-FR-DE-GR-IT-PL-ES) highlights that response measures to the energy crisis were a missed opportunity for the socio-ecological contract.

With winter coming and Europe ready to get through it without energy shortages, power cuts and recession, new ETUI research highlights that, with some 80 per cent of spending being directed to broad-based measures, short-term national government support during the recent energy crisis was poorly targeted. As a result, both social and climate policy goals were rather sidelined with the biggest beneficiaries of public fossil-fuel subsidies being higher income groups and the wealthiest people.

‘Europe has survived two much-feared winters, showing a considerable level of resilience, but has missed an opportunity,' said Béla Galgóczi, ETUI senior researcher and editor of the book. ‘The response did not strengthen the social dimension of the green transition when the implementation of the European Green Deal is reaching a critical phase.’

Between September 2021 and August 2023 EU member states allocated almost 700 billion euro to shield consumers and industry from rising energy costs. A new research project, conducted by the ETUI in seven EU member states (Austria,  FranceGermanyGreeceItalyPoland and Spain), highlights that national responses did not reach those most in need but provided some incentives for more fossil-fuel use among higher-income groups. As a result, both social- and climate-policy goals were rather sidelined and the biggest beneficiaries (in terms of the absolute amount) of public fossil-fuel subsidies were higher income groups whose bigger carbon footprints have thus been co-financed by scarce public resources».

segunda-feira, 27 de novembro de 2023

«The Next Renaissance»


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We believe that the creative and cultural sectors, and especially the blending of scientific, technological, cultural and artistic knowledge, can be a catalytic driver to both imagine and realise possible futures.

We aim to develop a global movement that sees this task as common sense and urgent. It argues for a paradigm shift in how we think, plan and act. 

We started our journey in 2022 with the publication of The Next Renaissance book, with  Odile Jacob Publishing.

Our strategy of influence includes a series of activities that will gain momentum in 2024 and help build a community of active people who support our broader goals.

Learn more».

sexta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2023

«The "IETM Focus Luxembourg 2023" will bring together more than 130 international and national performing arts professionals to discuss the issues and challenges of the climate crisis»


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«Lost in transition?

Context-Based Environmental Actions In The Performing Arts

On 28-30 November, IETM will head to Luxembourg for the very first time. Hosted by the Arts Council of Luxembourg, IETM's second ever Focus meeting will address the one topic we all have to face -  the climate crisis. Although the cultural sector is far from being the one that has the most impact on the environment, each and every one of us has to face reality and deal with it.
This second edition of the Focus meeting will be the final event in IETM’s first year of environmental transitioning, and will bring members and professional guests together for a joint brainstorm. Participants will benefit from the targeted programmes and accumulated knowledge gathered by the network through all its activities in 2023 and work towards co-creating an eco charter for the entire network.
When it comes to the climate crisis, Luxembourg has a story to tell. The example from a country the size of Luxembourg proves that even the smallest carries a big burden when it comes to the environment, and we must - and can - act now.
Luxembourg summarises both the challenges and their solutions. While ranking among the top worst countries regarding ecological footprint per capita, the country is radically preparing for change, and can also be found among the top-ranking countries in the environmental performance index. Measures such as international consultations on green transition or free public transportation throughout the country are putting Luxembourg at the top for environmental change.
Under the title Lost in transition?, IETM and Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg will tackle the tough and challenging questions that have emerged from our first year of environmental transition. With a specific approach, considering everyone’s context to focus on our values and what is reasonably doable, we will make a valuable contribution for the greener performing arts ecosystem we dream of.
In typical Focus format, we offer time to meet new faces, network, catch up with old friends and colleagues and time to discover the unique performing arts scene in Luxembourg». 

terça-feira, 7 de novembro de 2023

OLHEMOS PARA OS OUTROS E DEIXEMO-NOS INSPIRAR | «CISL’s Business Transformation Framework /Preliminary Diagnostic»


De lá:

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Businesses are under intense pressure from a range of stakeholders to meet globally agreed goals and rising expectations on climate, nature and society and, in some cases, to achieve a stated corporate purpose which aligns with delivering sustainable outcomes for society. This needs to be delivered in a way that maintains business resilience and financial health, including to satisfy shareholders (some of whom may not support such action) – a task that is made ever more challenging by near-term shocks such as COVID-19, rising inflation and increasingly prevalent climate, nature and social emergencies.1 Further challenge arises from the operating context; businesses act within an unsustainable system where markets and regulation do not always reward sustainable business performance. 
 Developing and embedding a greater societal purpose is a practical approach to navigating these tensions, in service of increased corporate sustainability. Today, purpose can be a significant indicator of a business’s commitment to sustainability and a source of competitive advantage. Should markets and regulations begin to reward sustainability, purpose-driven organisations will be well placed on both sustainability and strategic clarity. To this end, the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) has researched the organisational enablers for sustainable business performance. With the support of the Business Transformation Group, CISL has developed a Business Transformation Framework (BTF), which identifies some indicators of a business’s progress towards purpose, in service of sustainability. (...)».

segunda-feira, 6 de novembro de 2023

MIT Tecnhology Review | «Plastics.Politics.Twitter.And other hard problems»


«The Hard Problems issue

November/December 2023

The intractable problem of plastics. Fixing the internet. Exploring what it would it take for AI to become conscious. Plus: there are so many urgent issues facing the world—where do we begin? Bill Gates, Lina Khan, Jennifer Doudna, and others offer their ideas».

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domingo, 5 de novembro de 2023



«Sector Tipping Points 
In high-emitting sectors of the economy, it is vital to understand where tipping points exist that could propel accelerated adoption of zero-emission solutions. 

For each high-emitting sector, there is often one solution that will provide the bulk of the supply-side decarbonisation in the transition to net-zero. For example, while reducing emissions in the shipping sector requires a range of actions, including efficiency improvements and battery-electric short-haul fleets, zero-carbon fuels – such as green ammonia – are expected to account for ~80% of the sector’s final energy demand in a fully decarbonised system.10 In many cases, these key zero-emission solutions have the potential to reach tipping points after which deployment could accelerate significantly. (...)». Continue.

sexta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2023

«We believe that how we grow matters—that how we do business is just as important as what we do»


Disponível aqui


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Quase se poderá dizer que no formato da KPMG, de acordo com a nossa fórmula, só faltará a CULTURA - embora  as «palavras» utilizadas sejam outras. A pergunta impõe-se: porquê não utilizar os já clássicos «economia», «ambiente», «social», «governança»,  + agora  «cultura»? Dito doutra forma: porque não RELATÓRIO ÚNICO? (Relatório Integrado, outra forma de nomear).


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Mas de uma KPMG (KPMG Germany)
 sobre o «Integrated Reporting»

quarta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2023



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Olhando para as imagens acima a primeira reação será de satisfação: o «verde» (com o mesmo significado de «desenvolvimento sustentável» ou «sustentabilidade» e não apenas de «ambiente») a ser tratado por intervenientes diferenciados. Estivemos presente e pensamos estar em acontecimentos que lhe estão associados. De facto, assistimos ao Congresso dos Economistas; fomos à Sociedade Nacional das Belas Artes (SNBA) ao lançamento da Umbigo e constatar ao vivo o que está divulgado aqui: «A autoria da capa de Fertile Futures é de Alexandre Delmar e Maria Ruivo fruto da performance Repair um projeto conduzido por Guida Marques, durante o Seminário Internacional de Verão, que trouxe para o debate, a partilha de ideias e a vivência conjunta da paisagem e dos problemas ambientais. Nesta coedição, pensadores, artistas e coletivos refletem sobre o futuro, a gestão dos recursos hídricos, os conflitos políticos, a fertilidade, a ancestralidade e a urgência de voltar a cuidar de um património natural que é comum». E pensamos ir à Conversa no Teatro Municipal Joaquim Benite (TMJB).
Reforcemos, é de facto reconfortante sentir que muitos sentem que o assunto «verde» tem de fazer parte das nossas vidas. E lembramos quando Kofi Annan, então Secretário-Geral da ONU, dizia que a «sustentabilidade» tinha de fazer parte do ADN das empresas para salvarmos o planeta e se queriamos  defender a nossa civilização. Hoje podemos adiantar que tem de entrar no ADN de tudo e todos. De todas as organizações; das diferentes comunidades; dos governos; de cada pessoa ... E, a nosso ver, há um aspecto que não o favorece: nas atividades públicas é tudo muito atomizado, o todo raramente parece estar presente. Cada um trata da sua componente (diriamos mesmo de um seu «quintalzinho» sem contexto) da equação hoje facilmente aceite, a saber: Desenvolvimento sustentável = economia, ambiente, social, governança, cultura. Voltemos à imagem que há muito desenhamos e nos acompanha, para se sublinhar que ao MESMO TEMPO há que intervir nisto:


Isto é, de maneira sistémica, nomeadamente de forma integrada, interdependente. 
Para quem acompanha e deseja um NOVO NORMAL que se afigura indispensável, e está em linha com o business not as usual, concluirá que entre nós há défice de reflexão e de transformações. E até se identificam retrocessos. Por exemplo, cada vez mais temos «céticos» no que se refere ao clima. Produções académicas - com práticas (dos melhores?) - que estiveram «na berra» são ignoradas. Densifiquemos: o RELATÓRIO ÚNICO (ou INTEGRATED REPORTING) nem se fala dele - não se falou na sessão paralela acima referida do Congresso dos Economistas. (Mas não podemos deixar de distinguir a intervenção de Virgílio de Azevedo - A verdade escondida sobre as alterações climáticas - veja o resumo).  Insiste-se no relato ESG por um lado e no relato financeiro por outro! E para o ESG não param de proliferar Plataformas ..., cada setor faz a sua ... O ESG, como «flor na lapela»? No que a isto diz respeito, há quem tenha mais responsabilidades do que outros: a ORDEM DOS ECONOMISTAS não terá de tomar uma posição?
Quanto à CULTURA - uma das «meninas dos nossos olhos» aqui neste blogue - a informação do que vai acontecendo por esse mundo fora, onde a encontrar? Com que ponto de situação atuará o Governo? Não será de pedir/exigir que o Ministério da Cultura meta «a mão na massa»? Quase como curiosidade:

E voltemos ao post anterior, a isto: