terça-feira, 2 de março de 2021

Lembrar dias do «Dia Mundial das Cidades» que se comemora a 31 de outubro


Veja aqui

Tema - 2019

«Este ano, as Nações Unidas selecionaram o tema “Mudando o mundo: inovações e uma vida melhor para as gerações futuras” para discutir como a urbanização pode ser usada para alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável. O objetivo é promover o interesse da comunidade internacional na implementação global da Nova Agenda Urbana e no aprimoramento da cooperação entre os países para encontrar oportunidades e enfrentar os desafios da urbanização nas cidades».

Tema - 2020 -«Valuing Our Communities and Cities

The impact of COVID-19 has re-shaped urban life around the world. Local communities have played a key role in contributing to keeping people safe and maintaining some economic activities.

Community value encompasses local volunteering and people organizing in their own neighbourhoods as well as social movements that challenge poverty, systemic discrimination and racism. In informal settlements and slums in particular, communities are making a significant contribution while individual households in urban areas are providing an enabling environment for work and study in the home.

UN-Habitat’s latest World Cities Report reinforces the benefits of cities that engage all stakeholders, including local communities to foster sustainable cities. The Secretary-General has identified cities and communities as being on the frontline of the COVID-19 response. Collectively, we can truly foster sustainable cities for all.

Community activities can no longer be taken for granted or under-resourced. Policy makers and urban managers need to engage communities systematically and strategically in urban planning, implementation and monitoring to co-create the cities of the future.

The recognition of communities’ value must be maintained beyond the virus outbreak. In the transition to a new sustainable urban normality, local communities must play an expanded role supporting government stimulus packages for employment creation, delivery of essential services, ensuring a green-economic transformation, the provision of adequate shelter and public space and reestablishment of local value chains».


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