sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2025

«collaboration» | algo de que se precisa pelo mundo e em especial no nosso País _ Portugal | para isso fazer «benchmarking» uma questão de bom senso ...


The aim of this project is to investigate how cross-Nordic collaboration on eDocuments can help reduce the burden of calculating and exchanging climate data. The project included 3 workshops, research, and analysis in the fall of 2024. This focus was to identify datapoints, create mockups, and integration solutions for climate reporting within existing digital infrastructures. The project was conducted collaboratively with experts from Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, and Sweden.The project suggests expanding existing infrastructures and standards to include climate data in existing electronic documents. The report highlights the benefits of frameworks for standardizing climate data. This will make the data more accessible, consistent, reliable and enhance opportunities for automation – reducing manual efforts and administrative burdens while increasing quality and reliability».

sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2025

VOLTEMOS AO «THEATRE GREEN BOOK» | vai ser apresentado em Lisboa, no CCB, no próximo dia 27

e veio a propósito desta notícia:

De lá:«(...) A iniciativa, que se caracteriza como a primeira ferramenta de auto-certificação de sustentabilidade no teatro, tem então como objectivo incentivar as organizações culturais a repensarem as suas produções artísticas, operações diárias e estruturas físicas, de forma a reduzir as emissões de carbono. Ao integrar o projecto, o CCB compromete-se, até ao ano de 2030, a neutralidade carbónica e espera que a acção inspire outras instituições culturais para que sigam o mesmo caminho.

A apresentação do projecto e do livro traduzido para português, destinada a instituições culturais, é no dia 27 de Fevereiro e vai contar com a participação de Madalena Reis, administradora do CCB, Cláudia Belchior, coordenadora executiva das Artes Performativas do CCB e presidente da European Theatre Convention, e ainda os co-fundadores do Theatre Green Book, Paddy Dillon e Lisa Burger».

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terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2025

«How to Set Sustainability Strategy in 2025: Thriving in an Era of Impact and Backlash»


«About This Report 
The authors of this report are sustainability consultants Steve Rochlin and Jeff Senne. Steve is CEO of IMPACT ROI, a firm focused on helping organizations achieve superior social, environmental and financial performance. Jeff is CEO of Sandbar Solutions and has worked at the intersection of corporate change management and societal development for over 30 years. We conducted detailed interviews with more than three dozen chief sustainability officers (CSOs) or the equivalent and several group discussions with sustainability professionals as the foundation for this report. We included a diverse array of business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) industries. Most companies are global and based in the U.S. or Europe, with well above $1 billion in annual revenues. We have woven quotes from our interviews throughout the report. However, since we established the Chatham House Rule for all our interviews, we cannot specifically credit or attribute any of those statements. Therefore, all uncited quotes throughout the report came from one of our CSO interviews. We were careful to pick a mix of internal and external hires who are viewed as industry leaders to see what different experiences and impacts they may have had. We’ve also reviewed assessments of the state of the sustainability field, movement and profession, and leveraged this research with our collective 55-plus years of experience in the space. Please note that throughout this report, we include examples of company actions that we found indicative of a practice or behavior we seek to highlight. Including these examples is not intended to canonize or demonize the company. Often, even those companies held in the highest esteem have practices that might shock or surprise».

sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2025

«Europe Sustainable Development Report 2025»


«The Europe Sustainable Development Report 2025 provides an independent quantitative assessment of the progress of the European Union, its member states and partner countries towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The sixth edition of the ESDR identifies SDG priorities in a context where the new EU leadership, including the European Commission, Parliament and Council of the EU, has recently been established for 2024-2029 mandate». Veja aqui.