sábado, 9 de dezembro de 2023

«Creating NEBourhoods Together: Designing beautiful, environmentally friendly and future-proof neighbourhoods together»


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«Creating NEBourhoods Together aims to make living and working in the city sustainable, socially just and environmentally friendly. As one of the European Unions's six European Lighthouse Demonstrators, we are testing new methods and innovative solutions in Munich-Neuperlach for transforming existing urban spaces. A spirit of neighbourhood community and a respectful use of our planet's resources are at the heart of our mission. We are re-establishing connections between people, buildings and public spaces and nature. Circular thinking and collective action are critical components of these sustainable transformations in daily life and in construction.

Creating NEBourhoods Together acts as an international network and creates a model for other cities to follow in spreading the goals and spirit of the New European Bauhaus throughout the world: beautiful, sustainable, inclusive». Continue.

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