«The Nordic Region aims to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. On our shared journey towards that goal, the gender equality perspective needs to be embedded in every step».
«The Nordic Region aims to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. On our shared journey towards that goal, the gender equality perspective needs to be embedded in every step».
«(...)Today, the world is already starting to hold business accountable for the progress it is making. The demands for increased accountability and transparency will only continue to rise (...)»
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Já agora, pensamos que tem cabimento, reencaminhemos também para os posts recentes seguintes :
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«Creating NEBourhoods Together aims to make living and working in the city sustainable, socially just and environmentally friendly. As one of the European Unions's six European Lighthouse Demonstrators, we are testing new methods and innovative solutions in Munich-Neuperlach for transforming existing urban spaces. A spirit of neighbourhood community and a respectful use of our planet's resources are at the heart of our mission. We are re-establishing connections between people, buildings and public spaces and nature. Circular thinking and collective action are critical components of these sustainable transformations in daily life and in construction.
Creating NEBourhoods Together acts as an international network and creates a model for other cities to follow in spreading the goals and spirit of the New European Bauhaus throughout the world: beautiful, sustainable, inclusive». Continue.
«The Nordic Green Roadmap for Cultural Institutions is the outcome of the project: Sustainable Cultural Experiences in the Nordic Region, which is led by The Nordic House in the Faroe Islands as part of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Sustainable Living programme (2021–24). Sustainable Living aims to encourage individuals, communities, and businesses to make sustainable choices in their daily lives and to make it easier to live sustainably in the Nordic Region. The programme includes six diferent projects that address key issues such as climate change, resource consumption and social equity. It includes campaigns to raise awareness, educational activities, policy recommendations and collaborations with stakeholders to promote sustainable practices. The programme is a cross- sectoral Nordic collaboration between the Nordic c ouncils of ministers for gender equality and LGBTI, environment and climate, fsheries, aquaculture, agriculture, food and f orestry, education and research, culture, and Nordic co- operation, as well as NORDBUK and the expert group for sustainable development. The Nordic Green Roadmap for Cultural Institutions is developed by Inger Smærup Sørensen and Linnéa Elisabeth Vågen Svensson. We owe a big thank you to countless representatives from cultural life thr oughout the Nordics and to just as many experts from all sorts of diferent disciplines who have generously shared their knowledge and experience and understood the necessity of working cross-sectorally».
"One Report" refers to an emerging trend in business taking place throughout the world where companies are going beyond separate reports for financial and nonfinancial (e.g., corporate social responsibility or sustainability) results and integrating both into a single integrated report. At the same time, they are also leveraging the Internet to provide more detailed results to all of their stakeholders and for improving their level of dialogue and engagement with them. Providing best practice examples from companies around the world, One Report shows how integrated reporting adds tremendous value to the company and all of its stakeholders, including shareholders, and also ultimately contributes to a sustainable society.
Filled with case studies and the most current trends on integrated reporting, this book is an invaluable guidebook on the future of reporting and how this future can lead to a sustainable society».
«New research conducted by the ETUI in 7 EU member states
(AT-FR-DE-GR-IT-PL-ES) highlights that response measures to the energy crisis
were a missed opportunity for the socio-ecological contract. With winter coming and Europe ready to get through it without
energy shortages, power cuts and recession, new ETUI research highlights
that, with some 80 per cent of spending being directed to broad-based
measures, short-term national government support during the recent energy
crisis was poorly targeted. As a result, both social and climate policy goals
were rather sidelined with the biggest beneficiaries of public fossil-fuel
subsidies being higher income groups and the wealthiest people. ‘Europe has survived two much-feared winters, showing a
considerable level of resilience, but has missed an opportunity,' said Béla Galgóczi, ETUI senior researcher and editor of the book. ‘The response did not strengthen the
social dimension of the green transition when the implementation of the
European Green Deal is reaching a critical phase.’ Between
September 2021 and August 2023 EU member states allocated almost 700
billion euro to shield consumers and industry from rising energy costs.
A new research project, conducted by the ETUI in seven EU member states
(Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain), highlights that
national responses did not reach those most in need but provided some
incentives for more fossil-fuel use among higher-income groups. As a result,
both social- and climate-policy goals were rather sidelined and the biggest
beneficiaries (in terms of the absolute amount) of public fossil-fuel
subsidies were higher income groups whose bigger carbon footprints have thus
been co-financed by scarce public resources». |
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We believe that the creative and cultural sectors, and especially the blending of scientific, technological, cultural and artistic knowledge, can be a catalytic driver to both imagine and realise possible futures.
We aim to develop a global movement that sees this task as common sense and urgent. It argues for a paradigm shift in how we think, plan and act.
We started our journey in 2022 with the publication of The Next Renaissance book, with Odile Jacob Publishing.
Our strategy of influence includes a series of activities that will gain momentum in 2024 and help build a community of active people who support our broader goals.
Context-Based Environmental Actions In The Performing Arts
The intractable problem of plastics. Fixing the internet. Exploring what it would it take for AI to become conscious. Plus: there are so many urgent issues facing the world—where do we begin? Bill Gates, Lina Khan, Jennifer Doudna, and others offer their ideas».
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Quase se poderá dizer que no formato da KPMG, de acordo com a nossa fórmula, só faltará a CULTURA - embora as «palavras» utilizadas sejam outras. A pergunta impõe-se: porquê não utilizar os já clássicos «economia», «ambiente», «social», «governança», + agora «cultura»? Dito doutra forma: porque não RELATÓRIO ÚNICO? (Relatório Integrado, outra forma de nomear).
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