sábado, 28 de agosto de 2021



A propósito:


This week, Tesla has received a profusion of praise for “recycling 100 percent of its lithium-ion batteries.” And since the EV incumbent’s 2020 Impact Report was released last week, this headline has been aggressively stalking me. It has appeared in numerous newsletters, come up on calls and reappeared in my inbox in the form of emails from multiple colleagues, friends and family members. 

I rarely cover a company’s impact or sustainability report. (The GreenBiz editorial ethos is typically to provide context and look more closely at the “how” and “why” of an initiative, rather than report on the announcement itself). If we’re being honest, I rarely ever read corporate sustainability reports in full. They often have an impossibly optimistic and congratulatory tone that's a bit too saccharine for even my sweet tooth. 

But as I begrudgingly scrolled through Tesla’s latest ESG report with an eye towards the company’s materials sourcing, management and overall circularity strategy, one thing became increasingly clear: The recycling headlines buried the lede. 

I don’t actually think that Tesla’s battery recycling ambitions are the circular economy story worth celebrating in the report. The headlines are even a bit misleading. (...)». Continue a ler.

Do que se reporta:

Veja na Pag. 55

De lá:«Tesla is on a mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. We focus relentlessly on innovation and rely on collaboration across our teams to help achieve this goal. Along the way, we are committed to maintaining safe and humane working conditions, ensuring that all workers, including those within our supply chain, are treated with respect and dignity and that our manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible. Internally, we are continuing to build a culture that is safe, respectful, fair and inclusive for all our employees. As cliché as it sounds, it is only thanks to our employees that we’ve gotten to where we are today. If we expect to continue innovating and changing the world for the better, we must ensure we have a talented and engaged workforce with ample opportunity to contribute to our mission and grow professionally. At the center of Tesla’s strategy is: • Regular and meaningful engagement with our employees; • A robust culture of safety; • Clear development pathways for all our employees; • Highly competitive compensation programs; and • Principles of diversity, equity and inclusion built into all aspects of hiring, promotion and retention (...)».

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