domingo, 30 de agosto de 2020



«We encourage all companies to sign up to the Call to Action by 1 September 2020. By doing so, your company name will be on the list of signatories that we'll announce during the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly in September.  We'll also use the momentum created from the Call to Action at several other biodiversity events happening in September, including the UN Biodiversity Summit happening on 30 September.  

If you can't sign the Call to Action by 1 September, we will continue to welcome new signatories after this date.  An updated list of signatories will be shared and promoted as part of our ongoing policy outreach at the meetings of the UN Convention on Biodiversity in November 2020.

If you’re curious about additional ways to engage with Business for Nature, take a look at our two-page guide for companies - Engage for nature: Steps your company can take now».

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