Multiple narratives of culture(s) in sustainability are emerging. Some of
them have originated in the humanities and social sciences, philosophy and
environmental sciences, while others have emerged from planning practices,
policy-making and the arts. The meaning of culture ranges from worldviews to
livelihoods and everyday life practices, from natural and cultural heritage to
planning and bottom-up initiatives in different spatial contexts and reflect on
contemporary sustainability challenges, such as environmental change,
economic crises, poverty and human rights. (Soini & Birkeland, 2014)
There is a growing consensus that any single discipline is not able to solve
complex and wicked sustainability problems. New knowledge integrating not
only theories and methodologies of different disciplines (interdisciplinarity)
but also academic and non-academic knowledge (transdisciplinarity) are
increasingly seeked for. Although inter- and transdisciplinarity potentially
offer new understanding of current problems and provide even so far
unthinkable solutions, they also require rethinking of the role of science and
humanities in the society as well as new competences from researchers.
Furthermore, while agreeing with the need of maintaining the pluralism in
understanding the role and meaning of culture in sustainability, it might also
mean reducing the variety of meanings of both culture and sustainability, in
particular for pragmatic reasons and for the policy making purposes (...)». da página 8.
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