«ACSI’s Governance Guidelines (Guidelines) are a clear
statement of our members’ expectations about the
governance practices of the companies they invest in.
‘Corporate governance involves a set of relationships
between a company’s management, its board, its
shareholders, and other stakeholders. Corporate
governance also provides the structure through which
the objectives of the company are set, and the means of
attaining those objectives and monitoring performance
are determined.
Positively influencing the way business is conducted
by providing guidance to companies on how to
cultivate policies and practices that enshrine good
governance is one way our members maximise
investment outcomes for their beneficiaries.
The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide insights
about governance issues which are of material concern
to our members. The Guidelines articulate the issues
that we focus on in our engagement work with
companies and the factors we take into consideration
when determining our voting recommendations».
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