sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2017


Da mensagem do CEO:
« (...)
The very nature of our business—ensuring the security, availability, and integrity of our customers’ information—requires a culture of global responsibility. Symantec continues to follow the United Nations Global Compact’s 10 principles to protect human rights, uphold ethical labor conditions, preserve the environment, and combat corruption. We also embrace the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relevant to our business. Throughout this report, we describe how we are contributing toward progress on specific SDG targets. We have spent much of this transitional year integrating our workforce and driving operational efficiencies. While we’ve experienced a great deal of change, we remain committed to achieving our goals. Here are some of this year’s highlights: 

•  Greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction: In FY17, we reduced our GHG emissions by 15 percent, far surpassing our three percent annual reduction target. This achievement puts us well on track to meet or exceed our 10-year, 30 percent 
 reduction goal. We remain committed to environmental stewardship and are excited to report on our progress. (...)».

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