sexta-feira, 31 de março de 2023

COMEÇA A SER COMPLICADO ACOMPANHAR O QUE SE PASSA NA UNIÃO EUROPEIA EM TORNO DO REPORTE DAS ORGANIZAÇÕES | fica-se com a ideia que não fixaram ainda o «estado da arte» mundial em termos conceptuias e práticos, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao institucionalizado em muitos Países ...| E NA EFRAG AQUILO NÃO ESTÁ SER BUROCRATIZADO DEMAIS?


Comecemos por lembrar o que é a EFRAG: «EFRAG is a private association established in 2001 with the encouragement of the European Commission to serve the public interest. EFRAG extended its mission in 2022 following the new role assigned to EFRAG in the CSRD, providing Technical Advice to the European Commission in the form of fully prepared draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and/or draft amendments to these Standards. Its Member Organisations are European stakeholders and National Organisations and Civil Society Organisations. EFRAG’s activities are organised in two pillars: A Financial Reporting Pillar: influencing the development of IFRS Standards from a European perspective and how they contribute to the efficiency of capital markets and providing endorsement advice on (amendments to) IFRS Standards to the European Commission. Secondly, a Sustainability Reporting Pillar: developing draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards, and related amendments for the European Commission. (...)». Saiba mais. 
Algo que nos ocorre neste momento: o que dirá a EFRAG a propósito de um RELATÓRIO ÚNICO? Lembremos, por exemplo:

Winner of the 2010 PROSE Award for Best Business, Finance, & Management Book!

"One Report" refers to an emerging trend in business taking place throughout the world where companies are going beyond separate reports for financial and nonfinancial (e.g., corporate social responsibility or sustainability) results and integrating both into a single integrated report. At the same time, they are also leveraging the Internet to provide more detailed results to all of their stakeholders and for improving their level of dialogue and engagement with them. Providing best practice examples from companies around the world, One Report shows how integrated reporting adds tremendous value to the company and all of its stakeholders, including shareholders, and also ultimately contributes to a sustainable society. (...)». Continue a ler.

quarta-feira, 22 de março de 2023

«The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers: The EU Green Deal and Live Performance Organisations»


The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers:
The EU Green Deal and Live Performance Organisations

«Brussels, 22 March 2023
Today, Pearle* - Live Performance Europe and EFA – European Festivals Association are pleased to announce the publication of the booklet The EU Green Deal and Live Performance Organisations. This practical guide helps performing arts professionals and entities to navigate the jungle of EU law and better understand the numerous initiatives related to the EU Green Deal.
 The EU Green Deal and Live Performance Organisations is the first edition of a new cookbook series launched in the context of the Revealing the Alliance project led by EFA in cooperation with Pearle*. It follows two successful cookbook series published in the context of the synergy partnership between EFA and Pearle* aimed at improving general knowledge of the legal and managerial aspects of cross-border cultural cooperation.  
The newly released brochure explains the principles of EU Climate Goals and helps the reader identify Green Deal initiatives that are relevant to the live performance sector. In this way, it will allow organisations to gear day-to-day activities towards European climate targets. It also encourages the reader to screen different aspects of daily work and shift the mindset to actively contribute to the EU goal to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
The publication covers all fields of the EU Green Deal impacting the live performance sector, from the circular economy to energy-related questions, sustainable mobility schemes and green funding strategies».Saiba mais.

quinta-feira, 2 de março de 2023

«It is a measure of our culture’s capacity for denial that facing reality has become the calling of science-fiction writers»


«It is a measure of our culture’s capacity for denial that facing reality has become the calling of science-fiction writers. When it comes to the incremental unfolding of climate calamity, it is the image they draw of the times ahead that will play a big role in determining how urgently we act today. In Noema this week, Kim Stanley Robinson, one of the giants of the genre and author of the seminal “The Ministry for the Future,” tells it like it is.  (...)». Continue a ler.