segunda-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2019

«The Art of Alignment / Sustainability & Financial Transparency»

«The Art of Alignment examines the push towards aligned transparency, its benefits and how to overcome barriers. The second half of this report provides a roadmap for sustainability practitioners to use to bring together their company’s sustainability and financial disclosures and meet the needs of their stakeholders in efficient and effective ways». Leia na integra.

quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2019

«Calçado Verde»

«Setor do calçado lança plano de ação para a sustentabilidade. Uma das 12 medidas passa pela criação de uma etiqueta internacional uniformizada que mostra toda a informação sobre o fabrico dos sapatos». Leia na integra.

sábado, 16 de novembro de 2019

Accelerating Solutions for Climate Action at COP25 10-11 December, Madrid, Spain

«The Sustainable Innovation Forum (SIF) has been uniting the public and private sector to accelerate climate action for 10 years.

First held alongside COP16 in Cancún, Mexico, the Sustainable Innovation Forum has been uniting the public and private sector to accelerate climate action for the last decade. The Forum is now recognised as the premium business-focused event during the UNFCC’s annual Climate Change Conference.
As we move ever closer to the 1.5C limit, the Forum presents a critical opportunity to drive forward the Paris Agreement framework. Over 600 delegates will gather to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon, green economy during COP25 at the Novotel Madrid Campo de las Naciones, Madrid, Spain». Veja o Programa.

sábado, 9 de novembro de 2019

domingo, 13 de outubro de 2019

sábado, 21 de setembro de 2019

«O chefe da ONU, António Guterres, fez da luta contra a crise climática uma de suas principais prioridades. Ao convocar o Encontro de Cúpula de Ação Climática, que ocorrerá no dia 23 de setembro, Guterres pretende aumentar a ambição e manter os países nos compromissos internacionais que assumiram para reduzir o aquecimento global, como parte do Acordo de Paris de 2015»

E na UN news: «A partir desta terça-feira inicia a 74º Assembleia Geral da ONU; as atenções do mundo se voltam para Nova Iorque entre 23 e 30 de setembro para os líderes mundiais que participam do debate geral do órgão.Paralelamente aos discursos habituais dos chefes de Estado, cinco importantes cúpulas e reuniões de alto nível ocorrerão durante a 74ª.  sessão da Assembleia Geral da ONU. Elas abordarão várias das principais questões que o mundo atual enfrenta». (...).Continue a ler.

sábado, 7 de setembro de 2019


Saiba mais

E sobre  Lisboa Capital Verde Europeia 2020 no DN:

«Lisboa quer "participação e ação" de todos na Capital Verde Europeia 2020

Lisboa, 16 mai 2019 (Lusa) -- As iniciativas de Lisboa como Capital Verde Europeia 2020 visam a "participação e ação" de todos os cidadãos, pelo que o município vai lançar uma plataforma 'online' para recolha de contributos, avançou hoje o vereador do Ambiente». Continue a ler.

terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2019

«Sustentabilidade é o mote do FUSO 2019»

«Sustentabilidade é o mote do FUSO 2019, entendido como o respeito ao meio ambiente, à diversidade cultural e social e a um crescimento económico justo e consequente. No mundo actual, as evidências científicas sobre o aquecimento global são desacreditadas por governos de países em que a extrema-direita ascende ao poder, posicionando-se contrariamente aos direitos de minorias e a acordos internacionais de livre circulação de ideias e de pessoas. O campo da arte tem-se questionado sobre o seu papel e sobre novas posturas pertinentes diante destes desafios. Quais as mudanças de atitude e de funcionamento seriam propícias por parte dos artistas, curadores, críticos, galeristas e coleccionadores, nos seus aspectos individuais e institucionais? O FUSO olha para o futuro a partir do que pode ser feito no presente». Leia mais.

terça-feira, 13 de agosto de 2019

«Fashionably green»

Veja aqui

«A tangible circular future for Almaty»

«By showcasing also what is already happening in the city, the circular prospect becomes more comprehensible. Artist impressions in the report aim to make the circular future tangible, connect it with socio-economic challenges and show how circular initiatives can make Almaty an even more pleasant place to live». Veja aqui também.

sexta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2019

«Sustainability reporting is really a global issue»


Hirth: Sustainability reporting is really a global issue. There are a number of alternative frameworks, including those associated with the GRI and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Perhaps there may be some degree of consolidation over time. In my view, it is healthy to allow for some experimentation with a variety of reporting standards.
SASB has chosen to build our own model, which leverages the U.S. capital markets. The New York Stock Exchange is the most successful vehicle in the world for creating value, and listed companies tend to be global in scope. SASB has adopted an investor-oriented approach that is grounded in the concept of materiality and organized around industry lines, which is unique.
We have adopted the definition of materiality determined by the U.S. Supreme Court, which establishes the duty to disclose by public companies under the federal securities laws. SASB standards are voluntary, and should not be viewed as a new set of rules. Increasingly, these standards will be aligned with the 2017 recommendations of the G20’s Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. SASB standards have been recognized by the European Commission as a suitable framework for disclosing information to investors in accordance with EU Directives. In short, we believe that SASB standards will facilitate providing useful information to investors while helping registrants meet their disclosure requirements in their SEC filings, including their management discussion and analysis (MD&A) presentations.
(…)». Leia aqui.

quarta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2019

«Integrated Reporting and the Capitals’ Diffusion»

O índice do relatório do estudo:

Começa assim:

«1. Introduction

The idea of “integrated reporting” has been in the mind of business organizations, the accounting profession, and academics for 40 years now, with the first reports being published in the early 2000s. “For many years, integrated reporting has been something of a holy grail for advocates of accountability, something that has not been achieved through most efforts at triple bottom line reporting” (Todd, 2005, p. 3). However today, “[…] we are perhaps witnessing the early stages of widespread promulgation of a different way of thinking about corporate success and reporting” (Adams, 2015, p. 23).

Despite difficulties to bring the idea to fruition, the first integrated reports appeared after 2002. In 2005, already 12 reports were considered “integrated” (Todd, 2005), and this number has risen considerably after 2010. The adoption of integrated reporting is growing rapidly: in 2018, 33% of surveyed reports in the “Reporting Matters” report from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), against 22% in 2014, combined financial and nonfinancial information, and 18% were self-declared integrated reports. Today, our unique and most recent integrated reports database, built on reports published in 2017 on 2016 data, contains 1,367 integrated reports. Therefore, it is time to look back on the diffusion of integrated reporting, and analyse how and why this managerial innovation has changed the corporate reporting landscape. (...)». Leia na integra.

Por fim, destaque para os PROTAGONISTAS da investigação:

terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2019

«Hockney's outdoor impressions are presented side by side with Van Gogh's scenes from nature»

A exposição já acabou mas ainda podemos beneficiar da beleza do que está disponível na internet. Veja aqui. A arte a convocar-nos para a beleza da natureza.

domingo, 21 de julho de 2019

«IFAC advocates globally for integrated reporting because it is helps organizations deliver higher-quality information with real meaning»

«IFAC advocates globally for integrated reporting because it is helps organizations deliver higher-quality information with real meaning. Information that serves the public interest by telling a clearer value creation and preservation story to stakeholders, employees, investors and capital markets, and, ultimately, to the communities they serve. IFAC’s 2018 integrated annual review helps us remain accountable to our member organizations and stakeholders. It also improves understanding of our strategic objectives and achievements, and their connection to the overarching key outcomes IFAC—on behalf of our members—seeks to advance. The review provides information on our financial, human, intellectual, and social and relationship capitals alongside how we create value through our governance, strategy, resource deployment, and key activities. It continues our efforts to work with the integrated reporting principles and concepts IFAC advocates for globally, as set out in the International Integrated Reporting Council’s Integrated Reporting Framework. As part of the journey, the IFAC Board provided directional input and review.
This review is part of our 2018 reporting suite, which also comprises our Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018, available on the IFAC website». Veja aqui.

sábado, 20 de julho de 2019

«Did you know that there may have been over 100,000 tigers roaming this planet about a century ago? But by 2010, we had lost over 95% of the world’s wild tiger population to rampant poaching and habitat loss»

«Did you know that there may have been over 100,000 tigers roaming this planet about a century ago? But by 2010, we had lost over 95% of the world’s wild tiger population to rampant poaching and habitat loss. As few as 3900 of them were left. 

Tigers are crucial for the health of the places in which they live. They help keep numbers of animals they eat in check, which in turn maintains the balance between their prey and the vegetation which they feed on. This is not only important for wildlife but for people too – both locally, nationally and globally. People rely on the wilderness areas where tigers live, whether it is directly for their livelihoods or indirectly for food and products used in our daily lives».

«Innovating for a sustainable strategy»

segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2019

«Novo Valor - Sustentabilidade nas Empresas / Como começar, quem envolver e o que priorizar»

Da Introdução:
A B3, como consequência natural de seu compromisso histórico com o desenvolvimento sustentável, investe em iniciativas estruturadas para a inclusão da abordagem de sustentabilidade em sua gestão, bem como em seus produtos, serviços e relacionamentos. Além disso, elege as iniciativas de envolvimento, sensibilização e informação dos variados públicos de seu interesse. Dentre estes, as empresas têm papel central, pois formam com a Bolsa uma rede de intercâmbio, relacionamento, influência e parceria. E foi para elas que este guia foi desenvolvido em 2011, tendo agora uma segunda edição atualizada. Para que as companhias tenham à mão material prático e didático que as auxilie nessa jornada de inserção de aspectos sociais, ambientais e de governança corporativa em seu negócio. Este guia, como não poderia deixar de ser, diferencia-se por trazer a abordagem de sustentabilidade focada no mercado de capitais. (...)».

quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2019

CDSB | «We are committed to advancing and aligning the global mainstream corporate reporting model to equate natural capital with financial capital»

«Climate Disclosure Standards Board

The Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) is an international consortium of business and environmental NGOs. We are committed to advancing and aligning the global mainstream corporate reporting model to equate natural capital with financial capital.
We do this by offering companies a framework for reporting environmental information with the same rigour as financial information. In turn this helps them to provide investors with decision-useful environmental information via the mainstream corporate report, enhancing the efficient allocation of capital. Regulators also benefit from compliance-ready materials.
Recognising that information about natural capital and financial capital is equally essential for an understanding of corporate performance, our work builds trust and transparency needed to foster resilient capital markets. Collectively, we aim to contribute to more sustainable economic, social and environmental systems. (...)».

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This month, many companies will report on their end of year finances, and we’ll be able to see clearly who made a loss or a profit. Alongside those accounts, companies might also disclose their carbon emissions, how much energy they saved, and whether they’re using less, or more, water. But in their financials very few of those companies will have taken any account of the natural capital that enables their business to prosper. Natural capital is everything nature provides for life: air, water, and land. We derive essential services from renewable resources such as forests, which sequester carbon, prevent soil erosion and minimise flooding. Likewise, we benefit from non-renewable stocks such as oil and gas. Continue a ler.

domingo, 19 de maio de 2019

«Insights into integrated reporting 3.0: The drive for authenticity»

«This report examines the reporting practices of organisations in the International Integrated Reporting Council’s <IR> Business Network. It highlights the progress made towards integrated reporting over the past year, discusses the challenges that preparers face, and gives practical recommendations to guide more organisations on the path to integrated reporting».

segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2019

«Blue Economy»

Foi este trabalho  da GreenBuzz que nos levou uma vez mais a trazermos a «Blue Economy» para este nosso Blogue, começando pela impressiva imagem do Banco Mundial acima. E temos ainda o Relatório seguinte: 

O Sumário Executivo começa assim:

«This report was drafted by a working group of United Nations entities, the World Bank, and other stakeholders to suggest a common understanding of the blue economy; to highlight the importance of such an approach, particularly for small island developing states and coastal least developed countries; to identify some of the key challenges its adoption poses; and to suggest some broad next steps that are called for in order to ensure its implementation. Although the term “blue economy” has been used in different ways, it is understood here as comprising the range of economic sectors and related policies that together determine whether the use of oceanic resources is sustainable. An important challenge of the blue economy is thus to understand and better manage the many aspects of oceanic sustainability, ranging from sustainable fisheries to ecosystem health to pollution. A second significant issue is the realization that the sustainable management of ocean resources requires collaboration across nation-states and across the public-private sectors, and on a scale that has not been previously achieved. This realization underscores the challenge facing the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as they turn to better managing their blue economies. The “blue economy” concept seeks to promote economic growth, social inclusion, and the preservation or improvement of livelihoods while at the same time ensuring environmental sustainability of the oceans and coastal areas. At its core it refers to the decoupling of socioeconomic development through oceans-related sectors and activities from environmental and ecosystems degradation. It draws from scientific findings that ocean resources are limited and that the health of the oceans has drastically declined due to anthropogenic activities. These changes are already being profoundly felt, affecting human well-being and societies, and the impacts are likely to be amplified in the future, especially in view of projected population growth. The blue economy has diverse components, including established traditional ocean industries such as fisheries, tourism, and maritime transport, but also new and emerging activities, such as offshore renewable energy, aquaculture, seabed extractive activities, and marine biotechnology and bioprospecting. A number of services provided by ocean ecosystems, and for which markets do not exist, also contribute significantly to economic and other human activity such as carbon sequestration, coastal protection, waste disposal and the existence of biodiversity. (...)». 

Em suma, fontes suficientes para ficarmos com uma ideia das problemáticas em presença. Este também um bom pretexto para lembrarmos a iniciativa da Gulbenkian seguinte:

«Bioeconomia Azul | Programa de aceleração de projetos e startups do setor da bioeconomia azul».

sábado, 13 de abril de 2019

«dois terços das metas de desenvolvimento sustentável da ONU dependem de esforços bem-sucedidos para combater as mudanças climáticas e proteger o meio ambiente»

Urso polar. Foto: Flickr (CC)/Angell Williams

«A presidente da Assembleia Geral da ONU, Maria Espinosa, alertou neste mês (14) que dois terços das metas de desenvolvimento sustentável da ONU dependem de esforços bem-sucedidos para combater as mudanças climáticase proteger o meio ambiente. Dirigente ressaltou que, para cumprir o Acordo de Paris, a comunidade internacional precisa aumentar em cinco vezes os atuais compromissos sobre reduções nas emissões de gases do efeito estufa.
Em pronunciamento em Nova Iorque para explicar o plano de trabalho da ONU sobre o tema em 2019, Maria enfatizou que o multilateralismo é o único meio efetivo para enfrentar as mudanças climáticas. Em março, lembrou a presidente, a Organização promove a Reunião de Alto Nível sobre Clima e Desenvolvimento Sustentável para Todos. (...)». Continue a ler.

«But change is afoot, and a reporting revolution is on the cards»

Leia mais aqui

segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2019

AMANHÃ EM BRUXELAS | «Sustainable Europe 2030»

A propósito da conferência estes «tweets» de ontem:

looks forward to taking part in the #SustainableEurope Conference tomorrow, on how #integratedreporting can help mobilise business as part of wider society to deliver the #SDGs - in Europe @ the world. #SDGPlatform #GlobalGoals

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MARIANNA MAZUCATOTomorrow I am in Brussels giving the afternoon keynote on how mission oriented innovation can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. And how a dynamic public sector can help lead the process, as
is battling for!… #sustainableEurope #SDG