quinta-feira, 2 de maio de 2024


«Arte e sustentabilidade 

A tapeçaria intitulada “Coral Vivo” é uma criação da jovem artista Vanessa Barragão, que tem sua arte marcada pela inspiração nos oceanos e a ecologia. Ela explica que desenvolve seu trabalho de forma sustentável. 

“O meu trabalho é muito inspirado pelo mar, das coisas que mais me inspiram. A natureza no geral, mas o mar em específico é uma das coisas que mais me inspiram. Ver a degradação dele foi um dos motivos pelo qual eu decidi focar mais nessa mensagem. Enquanto artista, eu acho que é bastante importante passar uma mensagem e é essa a mensagem que eu procuro passar para consciencializar e ajudar de fato o planeta de alguma forma. Portanto, o meu trabalho também é todo feito a partir de desperdícios da indústria têxtil, e é muito focado na sustentabilidade e ecologia. Portanto, esta parte dos materiais é uma parte muito importante do meu trabalho, é o pilar, e a mensagem que é passada.” (...)».

terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2024

EU | «Monitoring Capital Flows to Sustainable Investments»


Disponível aqui


The Platform on Sustainable Finance, an advisory body to the European Commission, has been tasked with developing a methodology for monitoring financial flows into sustainable investments, examining trends, particularly between financial and non-financial entities, and conducting and publishing first analysis based on this methodology and available data.

The purpose of the intermediate report on “monitoring capital flows to sustainable investments” published today is to propose an architecture to measure the effective contribution of finance towards the objectives of the European Green Deal. The comprehensive monitoring framework relies on a rigorous methodology, a data structure, and the mapping of data sources and gaps. The proposed framework integrates a bottom-up representation of the real economy based on entity- and activity-level data, along with financial sector instruments available from primary and secondary markets. As part of this, it considers transition finance for both financial and non-financial undertakings.

The methodology is primarily based on EU sustainable finance regulatory data and definitions, with market standards and definitions complementing the analysis where appropriate. Financing flows to, and investments by, EU economic actors make up the scope for the real economy. This systematic stocktake builds on the early practices that market participants are employing to transition their business models and investments to a net zero and more resilient model, and as documented in the Platform’s compendium of market practices.

The first chapter outlines the conceptual framework underpinning the methodology. The report then focuses on two types of capital flows. The second chapter’s focus is on capital expenditures by real economy entities, which shed light on progress towards filling the investment gaps. In the third chapter, focus is on capital flows into and from financial markets, as this represents an important source of capital in support of real economy investments.

The report is accompanied by a document with annexes, which contains an analysis of the green deal investment gap. This analysis will serve as a reference for the implementation of the proposed framework. The Platform will release a final report at the end of its mandate, which will include any refinements to the methodological approach based on the continued work, an analysis of preliminary data, and a proposal for operationalising periodical monitoring.(...)». Saiba mais.

quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2024

UMA FORMA DE CELEBRAR «ABRIL» | divulgar politicas ambientais em Portugal ...

«Em Portugal o arranque das políticas ambientais está ligado à criação da Comissão Nacional do Ambiente quando o país, até então arredado das organizações internacionais, foi convidado pela ONUPARA participar na conferência de Estocolmo em 1972. Vivia-se uma época de cautelosa abertura política que ficou conhecida como Primavera Marcelista e nas vésperas da mudança histórica do 25 de Abril de 1974.
Para além de uma introdução que situa as raízes da problemática ambiental em Portugal, este livro abre com um conjunto de testemunhos de personalidades que, direta ou indiretamente, se destacaram nesse arranque pré-abril de 1974 - uma fase de modernização do país e da sua questão ambiental e ecológica.
Um segundo conjunto de textos integra reflexões de protagonistas que assumiram funções importantes já em plena democracia e sobretudo pós-adesão à ce na área do ambiente, fosse nos movimentos cívicos, na educação ambiental, na ciência, na cultura, no ordenamento do território ou na economia.
A terceira parte do livro dedica-se às principais dimensões que constituem hoje as políticas ambientais em Portugal - sua evolução, marcos fundamentais, estado actual e desafios futuros e inclui úteis cronogramas destacando os momentos-chave do lançamento e implementação destas políticas».

terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2024

«After protracted battles, a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence is finally ready for endorsement»


Começa assim:«Europe’s supply chains are scattered all over the globe: our chocolate comes from Ivory coast and our coffee from Brazil; our clothes have been fabricated in Asia and the spare parts of our mobile phones come from all around the world. Control over such large supply chains is easily lost—possibly even on purpose, as companies tend to take advantage of the humanitarian situation of countries with poor living and working conditions to produce more cheaply.

Chocolate? It is estimated that around 1.6 million children between the ages of five and 17 work in cocoa production in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. Coffee? Together with palm oil, it is one of the biggest drivers of deforestation. Clothes? The collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2013 claimed the lives of 1,134 people, many of whom were women. This disaster stands as a tragic testament to working conditions in the global garment industry, shedding light on its precarity, long working hours, low wages and inadequate safety measures. (...)»


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domingo, 21 de abril de 2024

OUTI PIESKI | «Discover visual artist Outi Pieski’s exploration of identity, culture and environment»


«Discover visual artist Outi Pieski’s exploration of identity, culture and environment Outi Pieski is a Sámi visual artist based in Ohcejohka (Utsjoki), Finland. This will be her first large-scale exhibition in the UK.
Pieski's paintings and installations explore several themes, including the culture and identity of the Sámi people – who live in the region of Sápmi, which now includes the northern part of Scandinavia and Kola peninsula in Russia.
In many of her projects, she incorporates duodji (the traditional craft practices of the Sámi people) using materials such as wood and textile. For Pieski, duodji is also a way of revitalising connections between past and future generations.
Through this thought-provoking show, Pieski raises important questions around ancestral return, indigenous people’s rights, and the relationship between humans, animals and nature». Saiba mais.

quinta-feira, 18 de abril de 2024

ACONTECEU OU ESTARÁ A ACONTECER | «SUSTAINABLE DESIGNING | In a play about excess, inside of an already-ephemeral art form, is it possible to make a zero-waste show?» | UMA CONVERSA PROMOVIDA PELA NIGHTWOOD THEATRE

Primeiro, lembrar que Nightwood Theatre é uma Companhia de Teatro que se apelida de feminista - do Canadá - e  em cena o espetáculo da imagem, e fazem-nos chegar com muito bom acolhimento:

Lembremos o seu horizonte:« OUR MISSION & VISIONAs Canada’s preeminent feminist theatre, Nightwood cultivates, creates, and produces extraordinary theatre by women and gender-expansive artists, liberating futures, one room at a time». Saiba mais

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A nosso ver, qualquer ocasião é boa para falarmos de Teatro e de quem o faz, mas este post tem um propósito muito preciso: mostrar mais uma iniciativa na esfera da arte  em que a «sustentabilidade» é refletida. Aconteceu,  dada a diferença de horas estará a acontecer: 

domingo, 31 de março de 2024

«invasive plants»


Excerto: «As the climate warms, the number of alien species on every continent is expected to increase 36 percent by 2050. Some alien species—that is, plants or animals that live outside their natural range—are invasive and can harm ecosystems and the areas they invade with serious impacts on the global food supply, medicines, water quality, biodiversity, and livelihoods. 

Rising temperatures, increased CO2, and extreme weather that alters landscapes favor the spread of invasive species, which also exacerbate climate impacts by making habitats, agriculture and cities less resilient. For example, when invasive plants overrun native plants and establish a monoculture, the area may be more susceptible to wildfires or pests. This phenomenon may intensify the effects of climate change on humans and our environment. 

What are invasive plants?

Not all alien or non-native plant species are invasive. Invasive plants are defined as those that adapt easily to new environments, reproduce quickly, and damage the native species, ecosystems, property or economy of their new terrain. Many food crops, such as wheat, rice, tomatoes, and garden plants are non-native and are not considered invasive. (...)».

quinta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2024

VOLTEMOS AO «SHIFT» | «The project SHIFT provides training offers for cultural leaders, working together and creating paths to face such global challenges»

«Climate change, gender equality and inclusion of minorities are key challenges for our rapidly changing world. Arts and culture have a recognised role in shaping societies and have the potential to significantly contribute to a better and more sustainable future for all as recognised in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The project SHIFT provides training offers for cultural leaders, working together and creating paths to face such global challenges. Implementing changes where needed and passing on the gained knowledge to leaders and staff members, of cultural networks and the broader cultural sector».

domingo, 18 de fevereiro de 2024

«GREENHOUSE» | Representação Oficial Portuguesa _ 60ª Exposição Internacional de Arte «La Biennale di Venezia 2024»


Veja no site do Projeto


Mónica de Miranda
Sónia Vaz Borges
Vânia Gala

«Greenhouse é um projeto baseado em interconexões de prática, teoria e pedagogia, apresentando o espaço expositivo como um lugar de experimentação e reflexão. A equipa curatorial e artística, composta por uma artista visual, uma coreógrafa e uma investigadora, propõe ações coletivas através da pedagogia, som e movimento que refletem sobre a relação entre natureza, ecologia e política. O projeto empreende a desconstrução da própria epistemologia do espaço expositivo e dos binários hierárquicos de curador e artista, pensamento e prática, humano e natureza. O jardim torna-se um espaço de criação contínua e dialógica entre artistas e público. (...)». Continue a ler.

sábado, 17 de fevereiro de 2024



«Climate change, gender equality and inclusion of minorities are key challenges for our rapidly changing world. Arts and culture have a recognised role in shaping societies and have the potential to significantly contribute to a better and more sustainable future for all as recognised in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The project SHIFT provides training offers for cultural leaders, working together and creating paths to face such global challenges. Implementing changes where needed and passing on the gained knowledge to leaders and staff members, of cultural networks and the broader cultural sector.
The project SHIFT provides training offers for cultural leaders, working together and creating paths to face such global challenges. Implementing changes where needed and passing on the gained knowledge to leaders and staff members, of cultural networks and the broader cultural sector». Saiba mais.

terça-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2024

«Towards workers’ environmental rights _ An analysis of EU labour and environmental law»


«Building on the ongoing discussion on the labour–environment nexus in labour law and other areas of scholarship, in this paper we systematically analyse EU legal instruments in the areas of labour law and environmental law, seeking to assess how these normative and policy domains are related to each other. We draw on the explicit and implicit intersections between these two domains when it comes to relevant EU legislation, in order to identify and conceptualise early examples of what we call ‘workers’ environmental rights’. These rights include individual and collective rights whose exercise contributes simultaneously to labour and environmental sustainability. Where such ‘workers’ environmental rights’ are not explicitly set out in legislation, we provide insights into how they could be construed via judicial interpretation, as well as on how they could be integrated in future EU and national legislation through statutory provisions or collective agreements».

quarta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2024

«Libro verde para la gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural»



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«Libro verde para la gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural

Las señales de agotamiento del actual modelo de desarrollo son cada vez más claras. La emergencia climática obligó hace tiempo a avanzar en la aplicación de criterios basados en la sostenibilidad y, en esa línea, los objetivos de la Agenda 2030 y el Pacto Verde Europeo se han convertido en los dos grandes ejes con los que diseñar las estrategias de planificación de las Administraciones. Junto a esto, la pandemia de la COVID-19, la crisis económica y energética y la inestabilidad política que le han sucedido obligan a reconsiderar urgentemente las políticas de gestión cultural.
Los recientes acontecimientos han demostrado que la cultura es un bien esencial que proporciona mayor bienestar a la sociedad, haciéndola más justa, libre y rica en su diversidad. Es merecedora, por tanto, de ser considerada como un Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible específico, tal y como declararon los ministros de cultura de los Estados reunidos en la Conferencia Mundial de Cultura (Mondiacult), celebrada en septiembre de 2022 en Ciudad de México y organiza da por la Unesco. En este contexto, el Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España apuesta por el desarrollo de iniciativas como el Libro verde para la gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural». Daqui.

terça-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2024

«The biggest obstacle for the environmental movement is no longer climate-change deniers – the evidence is incontrovertible to all but conspiracy theorists»


«The mainstream media is finally waking up to the realities of climate change. As wildfires, floods and storms wreak havoc across the world, journalists and activists far braver than me are speaking truth to power to make sure we all know just how serious this thing is. And that is vital and right and proper.

However, fear doesn't motivate action. The biggest obstacle for the environmental movement is no longer climate-change deniers – the evidence is incontrovertible to all but conspiracy theorists. It is those who are fully on board with the fact that humans are the root cause of some very real problems, but just don't believe that we have what it takes to solve them. Our biggest climate challenge is no longer denial, but despair. (...)». +.

quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2024

«The Future of Growth Report 2024 _ New Report Measures Quality of Growth for New Economic Era»


«(...)Launching alongside this report is the Forum's Future of Growth initiative, a two-year endeavour aimed at charting a new narrative for economic growth and supporting policy-makers from around the world, together with economists and other experts, in identifying the best pathways in balance growth, innovation, inclusion, sustainability and resilience goals.(...)».